A Call To Refocus Pride 2023: Shop? Support, Celebrate!

June is Pride Month, a time to celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community and honor resilience and courage in the face of adversity. It’s an important moment to recognize how far we have come and how much further there is still to go when it comes to achieving true equality for everyone.

But Pride Month should not just be about materialism; rather, it should be focused on recognizing the voices of those who are marginalized or oppressed due to their gender identity or sexual orientation, dismantling systems that perpetuate inequality, and raising awareness about relevant issues.

Refocusing What Pride Means in the Age of Excess

In an age of excess, it is all too easy for us to forget the true meaning behind Pride Month and get caught up in materialistic values. This is a difficult balance–on the one hand, having the option to buy exciting Pride month clothes and home goods at Target is in itself a demonstration of how far we’ve come. On the other hand, buying into fast fashion sucks, and giving your money to the corporate world doesn’t necessarily help LGBTQIA+ rights around the world (although, I’m open to hearing an alternative opinion/argument – there is something to be said in supporting the featured collaborations and/or proudly donning a funky fresh pride t-shirt).

“Companies when pride month hits” is a famously shared meme theme roasting companies for their materialistic and phony agenda.

So, what does pride month look like without shopping? Or rather, what does pride month look like in addition to your shopping spree?

Honor the Progress

(the progress before your lifetime, during your lifetime, and that which you envision for the future, after your lifetime)

Honoring progress can mean understanding history, or at the very least, what you’ve seen in your lifetime. Now, this will vary highly depending on your age. For example, as I write this, I am 30 years old. I remember the taboo of “otherness” in school and whispered conversations about hook-up secrets. I cannot remember lgbtqia+ characters in media except for movies that featured heartbreaking tragedies such as Brokeback Mountain (2005) and Milk (2008) – both excellent movies with very important narratives, but the range stopped at gay white males. Marriage equality didn’t come to fruition until after I graduated high school.

Now that I approach my thirties, I can see how the times are rolling in with more passion and power than ever. Same-sex marriage is legal. TV shows, movies, and content creators have broadened lgbtqia+ visibility in entertainment. Acceptance and celebration of lgbtqia+ voices are on the rise. On the horizon, more beautiful changes to come.

As you take the time to reflect and honor the progress you have seen, your perspective and age will likely help you identify the unique progress that you’ve seen – perhaps specific to your life or in general around the world.

Support programs, people, and movements

In addition to honoring the progress of LGBTQIA+ rights, Pride Month is also a time to support programs, people, and movements that fight anti-LGBTQIA+ agendas. It’s important for those in the community and allies alike to actively engage in helping create an environment where everyone can feel safe and accepted regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. Check out this list of organizations changing the world. Don’t worry if you don’t have extra money to donate. You usually can subscribe to their newsletter or social media platforms in a way to show your support.

Enjoy LGBTQIA+ Content

When it comes to Pride Month, enjoying LGBTQIA+ content is also important. By engaging in media that tells stories relating to the community, we are giving space to the voices of LGBTQIA+ individuals who have often been silenced and erased in mainstream media. Luckily there is currently tons of entertainment to choose from. If you’re looking for some super quick random recommendations, here are a few:

Movies: (Notice: it’s only comedies haha I’m trying to laugh, not cry…)

  • Bros
  • Booksmart
  • Love Simon
  • Straight Up

TV Shows:

  • Atypical
  • Euphoria
  • Queer Eye
  • Sex Education

Content Creators

Check out this list of top content creators!


Plus, don’t forget about stand-up comedians!

Honor your personal narrative!

Accepting your personal narrative is an important part of Pride Month. By embracing our own personal narrative, we can show solidarity with others in the community who have faced similar struggles, and help create a culture where everyone feels safe and accepted regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. The reality is that for some of us, your narrative won’t be widely reflected, but your true self is worth honoring. You are amazing and it’s time to look in the mirror and say it aloud!

Have fun and party with your friends!

It’s important to remember that Pride Month is not just about recognizing the progress and struggles of the LGBTQIA+ community, it’s also a time to have fun with your friends! A big part of Pride is the joyful celebration: music, dancing, smiling, laughing, and hanging out with your friends. Having a good time with your friends is an essential part of honoring Pride Month. Whether you’re partying at a club or having an intimate get-together at home, taking time out for some quality bonding with your closest pals can help make this special month even more meaningful.