How to Prevent a Culture of Sexual Abuse in Your Yoga Studio

yoga student or teacher that is sad about sexual abuse in yoga

There is a long list of yoga gurus using their power and spiritual pull to abuse their followers. The majority of us would say that we don’t enable sexual abuse to happen in our communities, but what are we really doing to prevent it? It’s time to have an open discussion with yoga teachers to prevent a culture of sexual abuse.

Evaluate for checks and balances.

If you run a yoga studio or teacher training program, it is your responsibility to review for checks and balances. Sexual abuse is not just a matter of uncontrolled sexual desire, it may also be about power dynamics. Look at your instructors and students, staff, and even vendors. Make sure there is an appropriate level of checks and balances in place to ensure that any power imbalance between people can be quickly addressed.

Learn the red flags. 

Continuously monitor the culture of your yoga studio. Be aware of the dynamics between teachers and students, and pay attention to any signs that could be an indicator of an abusive situation. Red flags can include: power imbalances, inappropriate relationships between a teacher/student or student/teacher, pressuring of students to do certain poses, unwelcome physical contact with students, or inappropriate comments about body image.

Establish a clear procedure.  

Do you have a procedure to deal with sexual harassment allegations from your yoga teachers, staff, or students? Do you have a process for how to evaluate complaints if they are submitted? Make sure that you have clear procedural guidelines that are established in writing. Furthermore, make sure that your teachers and staff receive training on the procedural guidelines. Having a clear procedure set up before any allegations or complaints even happen will ensure that you’ve had ample time to consider the best way to deal with the issue.

Provide sexual harassment training for yoga teachers. 

The yoga world often cringes at comparisons to the corporate world, but we may want to borrow their system of training employees to combat sexual harassment of students or fellow teachers. Bringing outside professional sexual harassment training can be a great first step toward maintaining a safe space. Plus, professional training will take away some of the tension or biases that in-house training might have.

Create a safe environment for all.

Many people consider a yoga studio a safe space. However, it’s not always a given. Yoga studio owners and managers need to be diligent in crafting a safe environment for the teachers, staff, and students that step into the studio space. Building an atmosphere where everyone feels respected and safe will help prevent issues. But if anything does happen, make sure everyone has been trained on what to do and who to talk to if an issue arises.

two women smiling on yoga mats

Creating a culture of safety is an ongoing process, but it’s essential for yoga studios to actively work toward preventing sexual abuse and harassment. With a little bit of effort and dedication, we can all help create a safe environment for everyone in our community. It’s time to come together and maintain yoga as a place of healing, love, and acceptance.